What kind of Cleaning Services are you looking for?

Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery Cleaned to Your Satisfaction or it’s FREE!
Disclaimer: *Pricing based on a room being wall-to-wall carpeting up to 200 square foot. Job minimum charge of $99.00. Pet odor removal treatments and other specialty services are priced upon inspection. A technician will provide an upfront, and in writing exact price upon inspection of items being cleaned. Pricing may vary depending on size, and soiling level. Safe-Dry® offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all cleanings. If you are not completely satisfied with the results of your cleaning, please call your local Safe-Dry® so that a representative may return to re-clean any areas of concern free of charge.
Same Day Appointments Available! Call For An Exact Appointment Time!

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- Exact Appointment Times
- Most Carpets Dry Within 1 Hour
- Hypoallergenic & Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions
- Safe for Kids, Pets, & The Environment
- Residue Free
- Guaranteed Pet Odor Removal
- Effective Stain Removal
- Free Estimates, No Hidden Charges
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
- If a Spot Comes Back, So Do We!